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What are the risks inherent in lending? What are the risk mitigation tools and techniques? Discuss

Credit risk arises from the potential that a bank’s borrower will fail to meet its obligations in accordance with agreed terms. Credit risk also refers the risk of negative effects on the financial result and capital of the bank caused by borrower’s default on its obligations to the bank.

The following risks are inherent in lending.

Business/ Industry risk
·          Industry
·         Size
·         Maturity
·         Production
·         Distribution
·         Vulnerability
·          Competition
·         Demand- supply situation
·         Strategic importance for the group and for the country
·         Concentration
·          Market reputation

Financial risk
·         Profitability
·          Liquidity
·         Debt management
·         Post Balance sheet events
·         Projections
·         Sensitivity Analysis:
·         Peer Group Analysis:
·         Other Bank Lines:

Management Risk
·         Experience/relevant background
·         Track record of management in see through economic cycles
·         Succession
·         Reputation
Security Risk
·         Perishability
·          Enforceability /Legal structure
·         Forced Sale Value

Structural Risk
·         working capital requirement
·         requirement of asset conversion cycle
·         Purpose of the facilities
·         Payments of wages & salaries and other daily expenses.
Account Performance Risk
·         Credit Turnover vs stock movement & sales
·         Hard Core element or good swing
·         Repayment track record of working
Risk mitigation Tools & Techniques:

Introduction to Accrual Accounting
1.      Scrutinize the information provided by the balance sheet and profit and loss account
2.      Identify the connecting links between the two statements
3.      Prepare and manipulate simple financial statements that reflect the business activities of a small company

Industry Risk Analysis:
Managers should be addressing: Cost structure, Maturity, Cyclicality, Profitability, Dependence, Vulnerability to substitute products & Regulatory environment (like Bangladesh Bank guidelines, Judiciary, Tax authority guidelines e.g. work hazard, child labor etc.)

Business Risk Analysis
1.      Determine whether the business’s strategy increase or decrease the risks faced by all businesses in its industry
2.      State what additional risks are inherent in the company’s strategy and practices on its financial statements- state how you would expect those statements to look

Internal Credit rating system as like CRG & rating from authorized rating agency like CRISL, CRAB can mitigate the credit risk some extent.