Entrepreneurs are those persons (business owners)
who seek to generate value, through the creation or expansion of economic
activity, by identifying and exploiting new products, processes or markets. A desire for independence and
a strong sense of initiative are usually characteristics of a successful
entrepreneur. They have the following characteristics:
are dedicated to their workings.
They have Entrepreneurial
have basic business competency, industry specific knowledge.
They desire to win and
succeed coupled with vision
They are the creative type.
· They take risks and succeed.
Risk involves looking into the future and believing that there is a probability
of the occurrence of certain events. And on this basis a decision is taken to
do or not to do something.
entrepreneurs react quickly to change.
are many types of entrepreneurs like Spiral (Helical) entrepreneurs, Occasional
entrepreneurs, Habitual entrepreneurs, Growth entrepreneurs etc. We need to
select true entrepreneurs by their characteristics. We can say, the
characteristics which are discussed above are considerable to select
entrepreneurs for financing SME projects.