You can
give your Tax/VAT by your debit or credit card or internet access instead of
queuing for hours at a bank. The
National Board of Revenue
of Bangladesh introduced online tax payment system at a function at
Bangabandhu International Conference Center in Dhaka. At first, people will
pay their tax/VAT through only
Sonali Bank.
Another 25 banks will join the system within few days. More banks will join
the system later. NBR's e-payment website,, is easy to
use, secure and completely free of charge. Only registered users can make
e-payment and get the full functionality of the site. There will be separate
sections for income tax, VAT and customs duty in the profile form of each
NBR’s e-Payment portal is easy to use,
secure and completely free of charge. Users will be able to learn to use the
e-Payment portal through online tutorials, downloadable PDFs and hyperlinked
video lessons. To get started, users will need:
Tax-payers, authorized representatives, deducting authorities and a host of other individuals / organizations can benefit from this e-Payment system. Users have the option of paying taxes / duties through any of the following options: debit card, credit card, cash/prepaid card and online banking. A. Registration Only registered users can make e-Payments and get the full functionality this portal has to offer. Click on the ‘Register’ link, fill in the information to register. Once you receive an automatic validation link in your email, click on that to activate your account. Once your account is functional, you can use your log-in name and password to access your account. This time a new ‘E-Payment’ link will appear in the portal. Use this to a) complete your profile, b) go to your control panel and c) make online payments. B. Completing Your Profile Each profile form has separate sections for income tax, VAT, customs duty. You can fill up all or choose to fill up only the section that applies to you (i.e. only VAT information if you want to pay VAT). After you are done, click Update to save your changes. You are now ready to start making e-payments. C. Making E-Payments C.1 Paying Income Tax Four types of users can pay Income Tax by using this portal (e.g. Self, Authorized Representatives, Deducting Authorities & Others). If you want to pay income tax as a ‘Self’ user, click the e-Payment link, go to Income Tax and click Pay Income Tax Online. Your TIN & Name will appear automatically from profile section. Select taxes zone, taxes circle, tax type and tax section. Account code will appear automatically. Enter the assessment year applicable to your e-payment. (For example, for any Income period between July 2011 and June 2012 – the assessment year will be 2012-13.) Enter the amount (in BDT) you want to pay and other personal details. Recheck all entered information, click Submit to save your information and proceed to the Sonali Bank page. Once you are there, you cannot come back to this page, but you can start afresh if you want. Select your mode of payment (e.g. debit card) from the dropdown menu and click Next to see a draft copy of the ‘e-Challan’. If information contained in draft challan is accurate, click Next to continue. In the Q-Cash page, enter your card information (PAN, CVV2 / CVC2) in the form by clicking on the numbers on the keypad. Enter your name and expiry date as it appears in your account or card. Make sure it’s spelled correctly. Do this quickly since your session will expire quickly if left inactive. If everything is correct, click OK. Enter your credit/debit card password or online banking code by clicking on the numbers on the keypad and click Submit to view final Challan. You are encouraged to contact your bank to obtain your internet PIN or iPIN. Print, save or email this final e-challan as you like. Click Finish to end your session. You can now return to your profile and view payment details. Do not forget to sign out once you are done transacting. Instructions for paying Income Tax as Authorized Representatives, Deducting Authorities, and Others are provided in greater detail in the ‘Learn’ section on the E-payment website. C.2 Paying VAT In the e-Payment link, go to VAT and click Pay VAT Online. Your TIN, Name and Business Name will appear automatically from profile section. Enter your BIN, and revenue type. If your payment type is not on the list, select Other VAT. Select the ‘VAT Office’ where you want to pay your VAT. Now enter your personal information in the fields for your name, address and amount you want to pay. Click Submit to save your information and proceed to the Sonali Bank page. Once you are there, you cannot come back to this page, but you can start afresh if you want. Select your mode of payment (e.g. debit card) from the dropdown menu and click Next to see a draft copy of the ‘e-Challan’. If information contained in draft challan is accurate, click Next In the Q-Cash page, enter your card information (PAN, CVV2 / CVC2) in the form by clicking on the numbers on the keypad. Enter your name and expiry date as it appears in your account or card. Make sure it’s spelled correctly. Do this quickly since your session will expire quickly if left inactive. If everything’s ok, click OK. Enter your credit/debit card password or online banking code by clicking on the numbers on the keypad and click Submit to view final Challan. You are encouraged to contact your bank to obtain your internet PIN or iPIN. Print, save or email this e-challan as you like. Click Finish to end your session. You can now return to your profile and view payment details. Do not forget to sign out once you are done transacting. C.3 Paying Customs Duty In the e-Payment link, go to Customs Duty and click Pay Customs Duty Online. Your Agent Identification Number (AIN) and agency name will appear automatically from your account. Fill in your information in the form including where you want to pay (Dhaka, Benapol, Mongla etc), Bill of Entry number, and date of registration. Click Search to view tax details of the transaction in question and generate the amount of customs duty to be paid. Click Submit to save your information and proceed to the Sonali Bank page. Once you are there, you cannot come back to this page, but you can start afresh if you want. Select your mode of payment (e.g. debit card) from the dropdown menu and click Next to see a draft copy of the ‘e-Challan’. If information contained in draft challan is accurate, click Next In the Q-cash page, enter your card information (PAN, CVV2 / CVC2) in the form by clicking on the numbers on the keypad. Enter your name and expiry date as it appears in your account or card. Make sure it’s spelled correctly. Do this quickly since your session will expire quickly if left inactive. If everything’s ok, click OK. Enter your credit/debit card password or online banking code by clicking on the numbers on the keypad and click Submit to view final Challan. You are encouraged to contact your bank to obtain your internet PIN or iPIN. Print, save or email this e-challan as you like. Click Finish to end your session. You can now return to your profile and view payment details. Do not forget to sign out once you are done transacting. C.4 Other Services Users can also pay other taxes (e.g. travel tax, gift tax) through the portal. Easy step-by-step guidelines are provided in the ‘Learn’ section of the portal. Users can also verify their e-challan through this portal. Visit the ‘How to Use’ link on the site to learn more. Customer Support